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Halloween Print Products for October Promotions

In October, You may already be planning your Christmas promotions, but you’d be unwise to forget Halloween and the money-spinner it can be for many businesses. In fact, consumer polls have shown that Americans are actually planning to spend more on Halloween this year than last (even though we are all a little “spooked out” by the continuing recession.) halloween_promotions

It’s fair to say that Halloween is the original “recession” killer – an ancient festival that celebrates our need to confront “fear of the unknown” and to turn fear and anxiety into fun and foolery!!! Halloween is certainly one of my favorite times of the year and I try not to miss the opportunity it presents to send a few extra business promotions.

With so much light-hearted mirth and absurdity around, there’s never a better reason for getting creative with your print materials.  People are more receptive to promotions at this time of year because they associate Halloween with having a good time. Therefore, by associating your business or product with Halloween, you are making it appear that much more pleasing!

No matter what industry you represent, I see no reason why you can’t create a specially designed promotion in celebration of the scary season. This is a no-brainer for businesses whose products are directly related to Halloween, i.e., party supply stores, but even if you’re a real estate agent, a fitness instructor, a hairstylist, etc, I don’t see why you can’t make the season fit your product!

Here are some ideas:

Business Card Magnets
– Create some Halloween themed business card magnets with your business logo and contact details on them – slip them into the candy buckets amongst all the snickers bars and reese’s pieces you’re giving out! The parents will likely stick them on the fridge as a Halloween decoration!

Business Cards
– Make a special “Halloween edition” of your business card with bats, witches, or other whimsical things this Halloween. Create something funny, weird, or scary to celebrate the season.

Good use of business cards this Halloween for Food Wagon
Good use of business cards this Halloween for Food Wagon
Flip side - funny "tweet" text and picture
Flip side – funny “tweet” text and picture

– If you’ve got a one-off event this Halloween then using Halloween-themed posters to advertise your sales, events, or fundraisers is a must! Why not create a Haunted House for the neighborhood kids and give out your company promotions and freebies to all the parents accompanying their children. Promote your haunted house with posters (of course)

Email and Postcard promotions– Remember to send mailers out for Halloween – opportunity missed if you don’t. Whether creating email blasts or traditional mailers, a spooky design with your latest discount or offer is essential- the graphics are so obvious and so appealing – witches, ghouls, and creepy things are always appealing!

Greeting Cards – Just because it’s not Christmas, doesn’t mean that you can’t send your favorite clients and customers a Halloween greeting card! It’s always enjoyable to receive a Halloween card in the mail, with a nice message or invitation to your Halloween event!

Just a few ideas to be getting on with – use your “weird and wacky” imagination to the full! It’s a fun time to promote your business and to get creative on October 31st!

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