Corporate Culture

Mom Knows Best: Celebrating Mother’s Day at Overnight Prints

Overnight Prints, an online printing company, is dedicating this Mother’s Day to all the amazing moms at the office! We interviewed some of our working moms about sweet moments and memories she has with her little ones. Each mom also shared lessons passed down from her own mother and her advice for first-time parents.

Mother's Day

Janell Awong, Brand Manager

Janell is a brand manager for Overnight Prints. She is mom to three tall teenagers: 19-year-old twins Jaynan and Jaren, both attending University of Nevada, Las Vegas; and 14-year-old high schooler Camden.

The working mom shares her love of food with her boys:

Becoming a mom for the first time was exciting. Becoming a mom of twins was even more exciting and scary at the same time. I didn’t find out I was pregnant until I was five months along, so I had a little over three months to adjust. And as expected, they came early.

The horrible things they got from me were drooling and ADD. But they also got a love of cooking from me, and hopefully someday opening their own restaurant.

Family first – this is the best lesson I will pass down from your mother. Nothing in the world is more important than family. If we’re not just chillin’, the four of us like to spend time together watching sports or some crazy scary movies.

Our annual Mother’s Day traditions usually involve food – lots of it. And a movie – mom’s choice. My sweetest Mother’s Day memories are classroom readings of “Love You Forever” by Roger Knapp. Every performance by each son made me cry. To this day it’s still my favorite book. Then, just last year, my boys took ME out to brunch – drove, paid, spoiled me. It’s not that they spent money, it’s that they planned everything and made the time for me. This year, we will be celebrating Mother’s Day by being together – eating and being silly.

My advice to first-time moms is to enjoy every minute. It’s difficult. It’s frustrating. People will offer you advice – don’t get mad. Take it or leave it. But mostly, enjoy being a mom and ask for help. You don’t win awards struggling.

Jeanette Duncan, Senior Accountant

Jeanette & sons Jeanette is a senior accountant for Overnight Prints’ parent company. She is mom to 5-year-old Luke, who is starting kindergarten this fall, and 5-month-old William.

The young mom shares that parenting requires flexibility:

Parenthood is challenging but very rewarding. When I first became pregnant with Luke, the idea of parenting was scary. But when we brought home our baby boy, my husband and I were filled with joy and an overwhelming sense of love.

Like me, Luke is becoming very independent while William shows a lot of determination. My oldest son and I enjoy going to the movies and jumping on trampolines together, and I love watching him play Little League games.

The best lesson I want to pass down to my sons is to give my kids the best tools possible to better themselves and to be successful at whatever they do.

Since my husband’s mother and aunt have birthdays that fall one week before and after Mother’s Day, our Mother’s Day tradition is for the families to gather for a celebratory brunch. The men in the family shower all the moms with flowers and gifts, and of course, I always look forward to my presents from my boys.

My advice to first-time moms? Don’t stress too much. Just go with what works, and follow your own instincts.

Rosemary Noonan, Billing and Revenue Accountant

Rosemary & kids

Rosemary is a billing and revenue accountant for Overnight Prints’ parent company. She will be celebrating Mother’s Day with her three children and six grandchildren. Jennifer, 37, is in dentistry; Joseph, 36, works as a cement truck driver; and Michaela, 33, will be a nurse.

The mom and grandmother is happiest with all three generations around her:

My first reaction as a mom was “No more sleep for me!” One of the best lessons from my mom was to never wake a sleeping baby, even to feed them.

My youngest daughter, Michaela, inherited my laid back personality and possesses a calm demeanor. But she’s also a fighter. This past year, Michaela battled colon cancer for 8 months while raising her two kids and attending nursing school. She has recently received a clean bill of health and will be graduating this May!

As young kids, our family loved to go bowling. Nowadays, I’m happy to gather everyone for a family meal. Two of my children live out of state, so this Mother’s Day will be extra special as I’ll be able to see my children and their children all together.

What I would say to first-time moms is to get as much sleep as possible. Let the housework go, and don’t forget to take care of you too!

Valerie SmithRoss, Customer Care Specialist

Valerie & son

Valerie is a customer care specialist at Overnight Prints. Her 9-year-old son, Kavaugn, is a third-grader who loves basketball and Hot Wheels.

The doting mom knows what it takes to raise a gentleman:

I was somewhat surprised that it was really happening when I first became a mom, but I’ve discovered a few techniques along the way.

Kavaugn is a lot like me and definitely inherited my stubbornness. The lesson I will pass down to him is to learn how to use that for the better, and to never give up no matter the obstacle because he will ultimately reach his goals.

We love playing dominoes together and will be celebrating Mother’s Day with a family meal followed by some of our favorite games!

One important lesson I’d share with first-time moms is try your best to keep little ones from feeling too privileged at an early age. It goes a long way in teaching your kids how to be humble and modest.

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