Art & Design Other Small Business Tips

Brilliant Art & Design Work

A few weeks ago I posted a blog asking Overnight Prints customers and blog visitors to send me links to their work so that I could showcase their work on this blog. The response was incredible! The following list of designers and their work is representative of the diverse, unique, and talented customers that we have!


Barton Damer

Before he contacted me, I had actually seen Barton’s work before in some of the advanced digital and Photoshop publications where he posts tutorials and promotes his work. I am so envious of his digital design skills and his AMAZING design aesthetic! I don’t think there’s a better digital designer out there!!

The outstanding digital design work of Barton Damer

Barton’s Flickr Page

PSD TUT Interview

Barton’s Showreel


Scott Kuykendall – OXYGEN DESIGN

Oxygen Design is a highly creative, award-winning design firm located in Norwalk, Connecticut. Its owner and creative director, Scott Kuykendall, provides a through-the-line professional design service. When looking at the work of Oxygen Design, I can’t help but wish that all corporate design was as elegant, fun, and as thoughtfully produced as this!

Examples of the design, packaging, and branding work of Oxygen Design


Bryan Elkus

Bryan is not only a talented print and packaging designer but he is also a gifted photographer. His work reflects his passion for the beach, Kite Boarding, and for surf culture.

Examples of Bryan Elkus's design and photography work
Examples of Bryan Elkus’s design and photography work


Cindy Concepcion

Cindy specializes in logo design. Her branding work is excellent. You can see her extensive logo portfolio at

Examples of Cindy's branding work
Examples of Cindy’s branding work


Mellissa McHenry – VespaWear

Mellissa McHenry is a designer who creates alternative clothing and accessories. Her “edgy” design style and punk-rock attitude are reflected in the VespaWear that she produces.

Mellissa's Vespawear brand
Mellissa’s Vespawear brand


Stacey P. Morgan- Photography

Stacey P. Morgan is a passionate and obsessive photographer. She shoots exclusively in black & white and uses only traditional print and meticulous “hand-painted” methods of colorization to produce her art. This passion and respect for her craft really defines her work – her exquisite imagery is timeless in its appeal! As well as producing fine-art photography she also specializes in PETraits and other commercial work.

Images from Stacey’s Fine Art and Photo Essay Collections

PETrait Galleries

Commission info



Haft2 are a Canadian branding company who provide designs for a plethora of leading industry clients. However, they are a far more than a mere design studio! You only have to log onto their beautifully engineered design site at to realize that you are entering a very different design space – where complex color combinations and arrangements are the driving force behind all their design choices.

As well as producing some of the most powerful branding work I’ve ever seen, they are also a very philanthropic company who provide a great deal of pro-bono work for charities and non-profit organizations such as UNICEF Canada and the SickKids Foundation.

The superb design work of Haft2 – the color authority for branding!

Branding portfolio

Haft2GiveBack – Their unique network of designers, writers, illustrators, web developers and project managers who work on a pro-bono basis to for non-profit organizations in need of new, effective branding.


Bradford Waugh – Bradford Waugh Design

Bradford is primarily a product designer and concept artist. The products he imagines and the designs he envisions are beautiful “minimalist” works-of-art. Not only are these products wonderful to look at, but they are also brilliantly functional (such as his petfood scoop that also serves as a clip to preserve freshness!) His infamous “Nulla Bike” concept has spurred countless debates and arguments around the world! (Personally, I think I might be tempted to “kill someone” to own one!)

Bradford is also a Graphic Designer – helping to promote worthwhile causes such as Women in War Zones

The Genius Designs of Bradford Waugh
The Genius Designs of Bradford Waugh

Bradford’s blog about the Nulla Bike


That concludes my post about brilliant design! If I haven’t included your work in this post, then don’t worry! I had so many replies from my original “showcase your work” that I simply couldn’t include them all in one post! Another of these posts is in the works.

Much thanks to all these design professionals listed in this post. Your work is inspiring!

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  1. Avatar

    Scott Kuykendall is THE MOST AMAZING DESIGNER.

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    I missed the call-out for sharing of work or linking to sites as I was on another whirlwind Photo Adventure to the National Parks in Utah. Perhaps I can piggyback on that opportunity now? I have a Bio Profile on the site from which you could derive a sentence or two about my work.

    Thanks in Advance,

    Donald Sewell
    Sewell Scenics Photography. Spokane, WA

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