Best Practices in Print Marketing
Find out best practices in print marketing from online printing company Overnight Prints.
3 Visual Elements that Encourage Trust
Most people consider trust something that must be earned. And, while a company has the ability to earn a customer’s trust over time through successful interactions, in most cases there...
Does your Business Card pass the 3 second Glance Test?
Business cards are ubiquitous. Everyone from babysitters to CEO’S carry them. But did you know that these tiny marketing tools have been around since the 17th century! They were originally...
Choosing the Best Paper for Your Print Project
You never get a second chance to make a first impression. While the origin of this bit of wisdom is unclear—“experts” have attributed it to Oscar Wilde, Mark Twain and...
How Print Marketing is Like Dating
Don’t be a “One-date Wonder,” and turn your prospects away in 90 seconds or less with bad print marketing materials. Instead create lasting happy relationships with your customers, by following...
The Five Essential Elements of Effective Logo Design
Among graphic designers, the FedEx logo is legendary. With over 40 prestigious design awards under its belt—and a coveted spot in Rolling Stone magazine’s 2003 best logos list—the hushed, reverent...
Effective Branding
A small winter festival that began in 1890 as a way to celebrate the “Mediterranean of the West” and showcase the Southern California sunshine and flowers has since grown into...
The Power of Words (in sales)
Do words have the power to influence sales and conversions? Have you ever thought about how they impact you? Reflect on the following words and phrases for five seconds each:...
Five Simple Primary Market Research Techniques
Did you know that almost 95 percent of new product launches fail? This is due in large part to lack of proper market research. But conducting market research alone is...
Best Practices in Graphic Design
As an e-commerce site for online printing, Overnight Prints receives hundreds of questions about graphic design. We’ve heard your questions, frustrations and comments. In response, we’ve interviewed several successful graphic...