Small Business Tips

Apps to Increase the Productivity of Your Business

Companies and businesses around the world are constantly thinking about how to focus their team and how to reach their highest level of productivity, or at least they should be. There are so many ways you can get your team to work harder and more proficiently like perhaps yelling at them to do so. JUST KIDDING! Yelling is among the worst ways to get your workers to do a better job. This method works well if you want to scare your employees away or make them turn into Mike Tyson, but doesn’t help with productivity.

If you really want your employees to work their hardest and become dedicated to every single task, productivity apps may show promise. We live in a very technological age, and many people carry around smartphones. This can turn into something great for your company.

If you go to your app store and search “productivity,” there are an endless number of apps to help better productivity levels. Even though there are many, I wanted to figure out which ones are the best and what they can do for a company. All of the apps featured can be strongly effective in different areas of productivity.

30/30 Productivity App


This app from Binary Hammer can be used on both the iPhone and the iPad. If you’re a major procrastinator and you know it, 30/30 was made for you. This productivity app is effortless to use and understand. When you first open the app, you will be greeted by a clock counting down the time it should take you to finish your next task. You can apply as many tasks as you need and select the time you want to complete them. Once you decide and finalize your tasks, it’s time to lock them in and press the “Go” button. This app will get your heart racing and wanting to beat the clock, and in turn, finish work in a timely fashion.


Use this app for absolutely any task in the workplace, maybe returning customer phone calls or finishing a blog post. No matter what the task, this app will push you to get it done. By selecting your tasks and setting a time, it gives you enough pressure to want to get it done. What you thought was a long time will turn into not enough if you lose focus. 30/30 makes you not only work faster, but also makes you realize how precious time is and to learn how to get things done without falling into those endless distractions. If you want to stop procrastinating and get daily tasks done with proficiency, this app will force you to be productive. Another plus with this app, it’s FREE! This means all of your employees can use 30/30 and have no excuses.

The reason this app stood out was the overall engaging layout and the flexibility users have with manipulating time for tasks. There are so many options for customization and that is the part I loved. When creating a new task, you can label it, color the label, and set an icon. This allows the user to easily differentiate and understand what he or she needs to do immediately, what is coming up, and also provides a more personal experience.

Huddle App

Huddle lets users create their own content, provide notes and share them. This is great for companies because the ability to share viable information instantly no matter where you are is a necessity. Many note-taking and sharing apps require you to go outside of the app, but not Huddle. It captures the essence of productivity by allowing the user to stay within the app. Users have an outlet to really become productive and not be susceptible to distractions outside of the app. This app is available on both iOS and Android apps; users can also download the app onto a desktop. Being able to access an app on various mediums is a plus.


Huddle lets users post comments within the document; it also shows who has viewed the document and when. What makes Huddle extremely functional is its capability to integrate with many other applications such as Tibbr, Photoshop, Microsoft Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint and SharePoint. Keep up-to-date within your network and view new documents and files as they are submitted.

The reason I thought this app was better than the rest was its ability to allow users to stay within the app along with being able to use it with many programs. Huddle also creates personal notifications, so you know exactly when something is associated with you for quicker responding. Huddle also comes with an agenda. This means you can stay current with your daily tasks and never miss a beat.


The reason I loved this app is because it’s different, and in any company you will have employees that think differently. If your company has graphic designers and artist, they might want to actually draw things out and not type up notes. This app provides more productivity for those who think creatively and need to take notes or jot down ideas visually.


With Inkflow, you can rearrange your ideas and notes however you need. This app truly feels like you’re using a pen and paper but with a modern twist. Inkflow lets you draw seamlessly without any glitches. Users have the freedom to re-size the images using a selection tool. What is really neat about this is the ability to transform images yet still obtain crisp and clear quality.


You can also email notes, so they can be seen by other employees. The app allows you to zoom in and out to edit details. This app is for creative minds and makes it effortless to share with other employees.

Wunderlist App

This app is also focused on time-management and productivity. Wunderlist sets itself apart from the rest thanks to its beautiful structure and functionality. This app can be used for work or outside the office as well. Set and assign due dates and reminders. You will always get reminded when a deadline is approaching, so you are never late or miss an important task.


Wunderlist also allows you to work with other employees, and permits everyone to have access to documents and comments in order to work on projects together. If your company is looking to grow as a team and get projects done faster, this app will allow you to do so. You can use this app on many devices including Windows 8, Mac OS X, Android, iPhone, Apple Watch, iPad, Android Tablet, Chromebook and more.

Having many choices was the main reason this app stood out to me along with app structure. Set reminders, look at group folders, communicate with employees, have access from anywhere, and allow all employees to keep up with tough schedules by creating notifications. This app is jammed packed with features and will offer your company agility, a way to grow a stronger connection and to stay on track.


This last app is perfect for the organization aspect of your company because organization is key to productivity.


Dropbox is an app that keeps documents and files all in one place and allows groups to be created, so they can all view and add files. Do you carry a USB or hard drive? Well thanks to Dropbox, you don’t have to anymore. Anything that you copy into Dropbox is instantly uploaded online and saved. So you can view it on an iPhone then instantly switch to an iPad and access the same documents. No matter where you are, you can view your documents and start working on it.

This app is highly useful, is extremely clear and easy to understand. You can use Dropbox to upload your photo stream, share documents, delete or move files, and edit from wherever you may be.

These apps are the perfect way to get your employees engaged and also doing more work faster. In this day and age, it’s all about technology and when companies apply that into the workplace, it just might make all the difference. Remember for all of your business printing needs, choose Overnight Prints for the ultimate printing experience.

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