Business Cards Design Holidays & Occasions Marketing Tips & Tricks

Save Time & Money with Direct Mail

mailing services save time and money

For many companies, the holiday season is a time of year for celebration and festivities. In addition to the joyous feelings that come with this time of year, there are also opportunities to boost sales by using printed material as a marketing tool.

Direct mail as a connection with customers

In the age of technology, it can feel like direct mail is a thing of the past. Many people have a misconception that this marketing strategy is dead. It has been around for over 100 years and it’s still the best way to stay in touch with your customers and keep them coming back to your business.

Printed marketing materials have their own distinct advantages particularly during the pandemic. With printed cards you also don’t risk annoying people with too much messaging or having them go to spam folders or deleted unread. Postcards are often more memorable than emails or texts because they’re tangible reminders that someone took time to send you something special for the holidays or special events.

Direct mail is a great way to connect with your customers, potential customers, or even employees. The process for this form of marketing starts before the holidays even begin. You’ll need to start planning now in order to ensure your cards are sent out on time.

direct mail services

Benefits of direct mail

The Holiday Season is an ideal time to take advantage of direct mail. The benefits of sending direct mail include:

  • Target specific customers for increased response rates. Sending a professional holiday card to your current customers will remind them of how much you love working with them. Tell them that they’re still a huge part of what makes business special for both parties, but also let everyone know about all the great things happening in store.
  • Increase retention rate. People typically return if they are given something which already works well or sticks out from among competitor offerings. Customers who opt-in to your mailing list when you send printed materials will be more likely to engage in a conversation with your business and increase customer loyalty.
  • Advertising. Sending out printed materials can be a very effective way to promote your products and services because people are much more likely to read printed material than they are to watch commercials or listen to radio advertisements.

ways to engage with direct mail

Ways to engage your customers with direct mail

Thank you cards. Thanksgiving is the perfect time of year to show your appreciation for the loyal customers who have been with you through thick and thin. This means giving them deals that will make their heads spin!

  • Holiday Greeting Cards
  • Christmas Sale Announcements
  • Promotional cards with coupons and discounts
  • Customer Rewards. For businesses who want their investments protected while still offering incentives when it comes to customer retention – try rewarding past customers at different points throughout each calendar year rather than only after long periods of time on file; these small gestures will go miles in cementing client relationships that may otherwise slip away due to some unforeseen circumstance.

How to get the most out of direct mail in the Holiday Season

The secret to making the most of your direct mail is the omnichannel experience. In today’s world, it is very easy for consumers to forget about your brand after just one encounter. The best way to create a lasting impression and keep customers coming back again, would be through multiple exposures in different mediums such as sending direct mail, followed up with digital marketing that keeps recipients on board. Creating multiple touchpoints ensures that you keep your brand top of mind when the customer is in the research and decision-making process, allowing you and your business to maximize your return on investment for direct mail.

What holds you back from direct marketing

Sending out holiday cards can feel like a chore. From picking the perfect card to buying stamps and writing messages on each card, it all takes time and money. Using direct mail marketing services helps skip the hassle altogether.

The key is making direct mail marketing work for you at every stage of its process:

  •  from designing printed materials that will capture attention and drive conversion rates
  •  selecting appropriate mailing lists so you can target potential customers with precision
  •  choosing a postage provider that can deliver printed materials at competitive rates
  •  deciding when to send printed materials out so you reach the most people.

overnight prints mailing servjices

Save Time & Money with Direct Mail Services

Overnight Prints makes direct mail work for you at every stage- from designing printed materials that will capture attention, to printing and sending your personalized cards to your customer list. Overnight Prints saves you time and resources, handling all aspects of printing, addressing, bundling, processing, and delivering to the Post Office.

There is no better time than now to use these tried and true marketing strategies for the holiday season. You’ll save time, money, and most importantly- it’s a great way to stay connected with current or past customers. Whether it’s personal holiday greetings or retail sale cards for holiday sales, there are plenty of options available.

If you need help getting started, we can offer some smart direct mail options that will save you both time and money while also helping to grow customer loyalty by staying top of mind during the busy shopping period ahead. Here are some of our most popular packages that offer various quantities of professionally designed greeting cards with custom messages tailored specifically to each recipient on behalf of you- the sender. You might also want to consider retail sale cards if you’re looking for an original way to promote this year’s Black Friday deals.

It’s time to turn your Christmas cards and newsletters into a work of art! With Overnight Prints direct mail services for an excellent result that no one will be able to surpass.

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