Small Business Tips

Start Being The Best You!

Organization is perhaps the key to success and feeling your best. Being organized has shown to help various aspects of people’s lives. It’s a powerful tool that many don’t make time for and can have an immense impact.

We have all experienced coming home from a long day at work and into a messy house. The last thing you want to walk into is clutter. Having disorder is distracting and overloads what is called the “visual cortex”. This can lead to stress and unhealthy habits both physically and mentally. The same can happen at work. If you’re surrounded by too much on your desk, it can affect your ability to see clearly and focus on your work. This means staying later at work, not getting as much sleep, eating unhealthy, and more. It becomes a domino effect, that can hit every part of your life.

You don’t want something such as being disorganized to take over your sanity. When it’s not taken care of or addressed it can develop into depression, anxiety, and high stress levels. There are three simple routines that can help you quickly become the best you.


Having something as simple as a calendar can make a huge difference. A calendar reminds you of life’s littlest and biggest details. By writing all your upcoming important dates down, this allows you to be prepared for what’s to come. Create a calendar that makes you happy. Place family pictures or anything that makes you feel good, this way when you go to add a date, you can start or end your day on a positive note.

Organization means planning. We all have plenty of tasks to deal with on a daily basis. Writing all your tasks out in one place can free your mind of having to remember everything. This will allow you to focus on one task at a time. Remember clutter and what it can do? Clutter doesn’t only mean a messy house, clutter can also mean too many things occupying your brain at once. Having a planner can alleviate stress on your brain thus allowing you to work harder and faster.

Day planner


My next suggestion is having a checklist. This is similar to a planner but is more precise and focused on one task. For example you may mark “exercise routine” in your planner, whereas on a checklist it will list all the exercises within your exercise routine. Create your own by hole punching notecards designed as checklists  with blank lines and spaces for creating portable to-do lists and reminders.

A checklist ensures you don’t miss a beat and you give maximum efficiency and effort in all that you do. This allows you to never forget things and to never have to repeat yourself.

By having these three tools, you can completely change how you feel and how you operate. It’s easy to fall behind and get overwhelmed when you don’t have the right tools in your toolbox. Start feeling great and being the best you today and everyday.

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