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  1. Avatar

    Awesome stationary designs… Keep up the great posts & Thanks 🙂

  2. Avatar
    Graphic Design Toronto

    Excellent article!! I know when I first started designing, the entire print side of things was wild and really hard to comprehend – why would my nice, bright designs come back from the printers all dull?! I didn’t get it, b’coz it’s not talked about adequate, even at uni. So thanks for this article. The more we all talk about it, the better.

  3. Avatar

    Nice collection, however some of these might require a custom stock and cut size for them to print easily…

  4. Avatar
    Best Stationary Designs

    Great work and nice tutorial. Love the design. Not everything has to be done in Indesign, Illustrator is very capable. I would also encourage designers to look into xara designer pro, for me it outshines illustrator in many ways.

  5. Avatar

    Great content material and great layout. Your blog post deserves all of the positive feedback it has been getting.

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