Other Small Business Tips

Is too much design technology ruining logo design?

  • There are many of our blogger and designer friends who write to us with their ideas and opinions about art and design. The following blog post (and impassioned plea to the design community) was sent to us from Brian Machelski of bmyhousekeydesign –  a talented Graphic Designer and Photographer


All logo, no substance! What ever happened to meaningful identities? The kind that stood for something, that meant something. I strongly believe that we do not need any more logos that are just another pretty typeface in the crowd.

So this is my plea!

Professional Designers assemble and begin to find the defining elements in the identities that we put out. Refrain from purely aesthetic versions. Lets begin to simplify in the footsteps of Saul Bass, Milton Glaser and Lester Bealle. For goodness sake, lets go back to pencil and paper rather than laptop and tablets.

The classic simplicity and elegance of Saul Bass Logo Design:  (1. Bell (1969)  2. AT&T (1984)   3.United Airlines (1973) 4. Avery International (1990)

And for those that do not know what I’m talking about, take a look at the companies that have stood the test of time and compare the identity and branding next to any startup or recent failed business attempt (of course we have to take into account the economy).

I believe that this is due to, dare I say it, technology. I have seen way too many young designers start projects on the computer before they even have a design brief in their hands. I must give kudos to some of the new designers that have jumped on board to the ‘DIY’ movement. At least they aren’t looking for the trends of current logo design instead of focusing on the company/organization that is paying them for an identity.

So, to sum this up, recently logos seem to be lacking any meaning, young designers lack interpersonal communication skills and DIY is cool. Lets see if this stirs up some well needed dialogue!

  • If any other designers have strong opinions on design and would like to be featured in our blog, feel free to submit an article to us.

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