
Networking for Introverts

Are you an introverted entrepreneur? Does the thought of networking, cold calling and lead generation make you nauseous? If so you’re not alone.

Being an introvert can actually be an asset in the world of marketing and networking.

Although meeting, greeting, and delivering elevator pitches might not be your forte, your natural style has equipped you with a wealth of powerful tools. You just might not have recognized them yet.

Your inborn reflective nature can make you a rock star marketer:

It is a fact that most introverts cringe at the thought of mingling in a room full of strangers. Introverts prefer written communication to verbal, and many excel at networking online. Social media, videos, and blogs have taken the sting out of walking into a room full of strangers.

But the best kept secret about being an introvert is that since you have a natural tendency to observe people, you are a great listener! And you are able to connect with others in a more authentic way than others.

Typically introverts connect on a deeper level much faster than their extroverted friends. Unlike extroverts, who think out loud, introverts ponder and analyze ideas. In fact some of Silicon Valley’s most brilliant brainiacs are introverts.

Introverts are excellent listeners. This is where you have a strong advantage.

If you are a bona fide introvert, challenge yourself by making a commitment to attend one or two networking events each month. But instead of feeling dread, go with the intention of connecting with two or three people. Inquire about their children, hobbies and passions. With this approach you won’t feel so much like a fish out of water. You’ll stay in your comfort zone by listening and observing. They will get to talk about themselves and the activities they love. This will naturally lend itself to an authentic connection.

If you want to further enhance your networking, take advantage of print marketing. Create elegant or unique postcards or business cards. They’ll serve several purposes: act a conversation piece, and help you introduce yourself.

If you are an introvert, we want to hear from you? What strategies have you discovered that help you “hide” yet showcase your natural talents?

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  1. Avatar

    I’m an extrovert. This blog points out skills that will help me with an interview with a marketer that is coming up on Monday.


  2. Avatar

    Typical. An extrovert responding to an article about introverts…

  3. Avatar

    I find that being a known introvert, when I do have something to say people usually listen because I rarely interject into any conversation.

    1. Avatar

      Great feedback. Yet another edge for introverts!

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