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Small / Local Businesses Should Take Advantage Of EDDM

It doesn’t matter where you’re located, you always have a surrounding market interested in what your business has to offer. The trouble is sometimes they don’t find out. If you’re a small or local business it can be difficult to advertise and market your business effectively. There are a million things that seem to occupy your mind and it’s hard to really think and have time to understand the world of advertising. Most times small or local businesses will fall into marketing traps and end up overspending and the payoff is nonexistent. Advertising doesn’t have to be extremely expensive to be effective. If you want to see growth, attention, and gain awareness Every Door Direct Mail is something you should take advantage of. 


What is Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM)? 

What makes EDDM so great is the simplicity it holds. Select surrounding neighborhoods around your business or any area you wish to target and select delivery routes. Then send your selected target areas for your postcards. 

Overnight Prints makes the process even easier…

Overnight Prints has a new EDDM program that allows customers to print their postcards, then continuing by selecting their delivery routes. Customers don’t have to worry about taking their postcards to be shipped unless they want to of course, however Overnight Prints will ship your postcards for you. From start to finish our service will take care of all the necessary EDDM steps. They also have a reliable and dedicated staff that can help customers through the process and offer suggestions and tips on how to boost their EDDM success. 

small-businesses-eddm-15 Who benefits from EDDM?

There is no secret that your business will reap the benefits of EDDM but in addition to that, your surrounding community will as well. Your business has a product or a service that has value to your community and they should know about it. EDDM will make customers aware of what your business offers and the benefits accessible to them. This service will make your business present within your surrounding community and increase traffic which is both great for your business and community. 


The average consumer spends about 85% of their disposable income within a 5-mile radius of their home. 


Your business in the hands of potential customers

When you think about it, postcards are pretty effective but sometimes your key markets don’t receive them and sometimes they don’t reach customers. Using EDDM will ensure your postcards make it into the hands of potential customers. Make quality postcards with Overnight Prints and send them to your key markets with complete accuracy.

What you need to consider before starting EDDM

In order to get the most out of your EDDM campaign you still need to put time and effort into it. If you want to have success you can’t rely on the service alone, with a combination of effort, time, and the service you will end up with a strong campaign.

  1. What are your marketing goals? What do you expect to get out of this campaign and how will you reach your goal? Being able to completely understand where you are and where you want to be will be extremely important.
  2. What are your current marketing efforts? What are you doing now that could be better or what are you doing that is showing success? It’s important to match your current marketing efforts with your EDDM to ensure you have a marketing strategy that flows.
  3. Who is your competition? Look at what your competition is doing well and what they are slacking on. See how you compare and how you can gain the edge over your competitors.
  4. Where are your target markets? This might take the most time, but it’s extremely important you know where they are! You want to make sure you’re reaching out to people that will benefit from your business.
  5. Keep track of your EDDM results. This is also crucial, you need to know if what you’re doing is on track with your goals or if you need to improve and make changes.


The EDDM Service can potentially save your business 50% on mailing costs!



Last but not least

Starting an EDDM Campaign takes much time and effort. You should’t try EDDM thinking it will magically do everything for you. People in general are attracted and more willing to purchase if you have quality. If you rush the process and lack well thought out design and copy, your potential customer will no longer be potential. Take time and think about every step of your campaign from creating, printing, and preparing. If you need help with your EDDM Campaign, Overnight Prints can help you build a successful campaign.

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