
Setting and Attaining Realistic Goals

The victory of success is half won when one gains the habit of setting goals and achieving them.
Even the most tedious chore will become endurable as you parade through each day convinced that every task, no matter how menial or boring, brings you closer to fulfilling your dreams

How can you ensure that the goals and resolutions you set today will not be forgotten in 30, 60 or 90 days? How do you know that the goals you set are even realistic and tangible for you?

Overnight Prints wants to support you in setting and attaining your New Year’s goals. And we’d love to hear your stories along the way. Therefore, we’ve included a link to a practical goal setting worksheet, (at the end of this article).
And we’ve compiled a list of “commonsensical” techniques for you to incorporate before and during your pursuit:

  1. Limit the number of goals you set to a few. Choose between one and three accomplishments that you are absolutely passionate about. If you try to do too many things at once, you will be set yourself up for failure.
  2. Write down your goals. Research suggests that people who write their goals down are much more likely to achieve them.
    Create a daily or weekly action plan. Keep track of your progress along the way.
  3. Cultivate a small support team. Avoid shouting your goals to the world. There are always naysayers out there waiting to discourage you. Instead invite one or two trusted advisors into your goal setting plan. These people should serve as sounding boards and mentors. Choose people who you have watched set and achieve similar goals.
  4. Don’t sweat mistakes – keep pushing forward.
  5. Re-evaluate as you go. Don’t be afraid to revamp and make adjustments. This will help you set yourself up to succeed.
  6. Have self-compassion: it’s okay to have setbacks and obstacles. Just don’t give up.
  7. Keep your goals and statements positive. Instead of saying, “I am going to stop trying to wear 25 hats as a small business owner”, try “I will ask for three referrals and hire a contractor to help me with SEO and marketing”.
  8. Check with a mentor to determine whether you have bitten off more than you can chew. If you have, scale down accordingly.
  9. Once you have a clear vision of your goals and how you will achieve them, create a vision board. Do this electronically or manually, with magazines and cardboard. Pinterest is a great tool to help you create customized electronic vision boards.

Consider the following factors, and how they might affect your progress:
Ask yourself:

  • When I accomplish my goal, what will it mean to me? How will my life be different?
  • What area of my life will it affect (financial, relational, health, etc.)?
  • Who else is involved-Can another party prevent me from attaining my goal? If so, how can I counteract this?
  • How much time will it take-daily, weekly, monthly, overall?
  • Am I passionate about it?

Here are some examples of realistic and attainable goals:

  1. I will hire a contractor to help with graphic design as needed.
  2. I will update my website-specifically I will change the copy on the home page and add a coupon engine to the checkout feature.
  3. I will do 4-5 postcard campaigns this year.
  4. I will do three things for myself every day.

If you are passionate about the goals you have set, and follow these tried and true techniques, you will succeed.

Download this customizable goal setting worksheet to help you get started.

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