
Be inspired by ideas in printing, design, illustrations and more from online printing company Overnight Prints.

Capture Mobile Consumers with QR Codes on your Print Material

Compelling QR Code experiences = Compelling Results During a weeklong marketing campaign that cost $1,000, Verizon’s sales increased by 200%. The campaign offered San Francisco consumers the chance to win...

The Five Essential Elements of Effective Logo Design

Among graphic designers, the FedEx logo is legendary. With over 40 prestigious design awards under its belt—and a coveted spot in Rolling Stone magazine’s 2003 best logos list—the hushed, reverent...

A True Sink or Swim Story

Its roots began as a small kayak rental shop in Huntington Harbor, California. Andrew Allen, an avid kayak fisherman purchased OEX Sunset Beach in the spring of 2007 when it...

Beginners Guide to SEO

How visible is your website to your target audience? Where do you rank, compared to your online competition? How does your content stack up in Google’s eyes? If you don’t...

Effective Branding

A small winter festival that began in 1890 as a way to celebrate the “Mediterranean of the West” and showcase the Southern California sunshine and flowers has since grown into...

How to Talk to a Graphic Designer: Bridging the Gap

Is it me? This is a question that both business owners and graphic designers often ask themselves when working with one another. The truth is both parties need each other....

Writing a Compelling Call to Action

How important is a proper Call to Action? Research suggests that advertisements with compelling Calls to Action yield up to 55% more traffic and sales than those without. Convincing your...

The Power of Words (in sales)

Do words have the power to influence sales and conversions? Have you ever thought about how they impact you? Reflect on the following words and phrases for five seconds each:...

In The Trenches With Ryan Dowd: Entrepreneur – Designer – Visionary

“You can learn strategy and theory from the most elite universities in the world, but there’s really nothing like getting into the trenches and doing the work.” That’s the advice...

Pro’s and Con’s of Postcard Marketing

Are you one of many small business owners who has spent thousands of dollars on online advertising, and have nothing to show for it? If so, you’re not alone. Postcard...