
Other useful things about print marketing and design from online printing company Overnight Prints.

Postcard Marketing 101 – Using Customer Testimonials

A testimonial should be short and to the point. Let it focus on one important item—customer service, timely delivery, a key product feature—and not try to cover everything.

Digital Printing vs. Offset Printing

Understanding the advantages and disadvantages of digital printing vs. offset printing is critical in making the correct choice.

Presenting the Pocket Folder

Designing pocket folders isn’t hard, but there are some tricks to it.

Death of the Business Card?

“Along with the faint whiff of pre-digital social grace, she seemed to be offering a bit of hope, and she was somehow willing, with a 2-by-3.5-inch bit of card stock,...

Crazy March Media, Money & Marketing

With all of the money flying around (not to mention basketballs), it’s fair to wonder how you can profit from all the hoop-la. Here’s four ideas to use for your...

What Chlorine Free Means

As Kermit sings, “It’s not easy being green.” Especially if you’re involved in the printing or paper industry. We all like white paper. It’s easier to read and easier to...

Roses are Red

Here are ten ideas to use in a Valentine’s Day direct mail program to promote your business.

A Tribute to Ben Franklin

In honor of Ben Franklin’s birthday on January 17 Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise. We all know this aphorism.  And every...

A Tasty Deal

Earlier this week I blogged about our Cyber Monday promotion and promised I’d be back with details about another tasty deal. I wasn’t kidding. Until December 31, with qualifying orders,...