Other Print SMART Small Business Tips

Best business cards

Okay, I think it’s about time that I updated my list of favorite business cards. On my web travels, lately, I have seen some exceptional examples of business card designs and conceptual business cards. Here is my updated list (I’ve included the cards from my previous post so that readers can be re-inspired by some great graphic design work and inspirational ideas)


These doggy, cat and other pet business cards are unbelievably “cute”. Artist Lili Chin, the founder of doggiedrawings does an exceptional job of creating contemporary portraits of peoples pets -these playful images make great business cards too!

giraffe business card

This business card design was created by Wes Thomas. The laser-cut business card transforms into a cute desktop toy. Who wouldn’t want a business card toy for their desk?


Designer Sam Gough of RDA, created a handful of “carved” wooden business cards! Not sure how it was done but the result is amazing! (The kind of card you would only give out to your most beloved clients)

photography business card

Photographer, Toby Keller of Burnblue has created some really slick business cards (that he printed with Overnight Prints.) The spot UV on black print effect has always been a favorite finish of mine. It looks really classy and sophisticated.

sugar sachet business cards

Hows about this for a sweet business card idea! Using sachets as business cards is the brilliant concept of the Israeli arm of ad agency superweights, BBDO (Gitam BBDO). Each condiment represents a different department. Supercool (and practical)!

qr business card

Reblis designer, Michael Silber, has engaged clients and made the mobile version of his website easily accessible with these neat little QR business cards. If you have a QR reader app installed on your phone – take a pic and try it out for yourself!

bookmark business card

We love bookmarks as business cards and we love this bookmark business card design from artist, kunklebaby . She posted it on our Overnight Prints Flickr group and we couldn’t resist showing it to the rest of our readers! The luxury handcrafted feel card is a perfect complement to her work.

recycled business cards

This very green and eco friendly business card looks great! This terrific hand-made card was made by Micha Kaufman, co founder of Fivver. They are created using a rubber stamp , an address label, and a bit of corrugated card he found!! Cool!

3 color business card

This great little idea that was posted on the Overnight Prints flickr page by designer Kenn Wilson. It’s a real “lo-fi” way of making your business card really personal and one-of-a-kind. He’s used traditional print methods plus colored pencil touches to create a totally unique and custom “color-it-in” business card.

clapper board business card
This business card in the shape of a clapper board was designed by Ralev.com for a multimedia agency called Feelme Crew. It’s a really creative way to make a more interactive business card (not that hard to do something like this yourself!)

address label business cards

These partly hand-made business cards were made by Laura Moretz. They represent a really cool and sophisticated way of using address labels as a feature of your business cards. The superthick stock, clean and classic design, and beautiful font usage, combine to make this a really memorable business card.

Best Business Card 1

This vivid, retro piece of design elegance from Polytron Corporation is an example of really sharp graphical design that is both cool and precise.

Best Business Card 2

This design from swap-bot.com is really cute and playful – perfectly designed for the fun “swapping” community site that it represents. I particularly like the accompanying “hand-made” matchbox.

Best Business Card 3

Stunning design from Tree in the Sky graphic design studio. The rounded corners really complement the circular design elements. It’s also a great example of Spot-UV printing.

Best Business Card 4

Howard Weliver has illustrated and designed a superb business card to promote his site, welistration.com. I Particularly like the signature spot UV effect that he used.

Best business card design 5

A bad-ass skull tattoo design from Red Sky Tattoo. Love the gold UV on black.

Best Business Card 6

Funny and sweet logo and business card design from wedgienet.net

Best Business Card 7

Oral Fixation Mints are the coolest mints (pun intended). The design of their entire web and print brand is really excellent. The tin box card holders (that usually hold their mints) are a perfect fit for their cards and are a really nice touch!

best Business Card 8

This is such a cool design from Miguel Reyes. The black silhouette on top of the glowing pink color is so eye-catching.

Best Business Cards

This is such a great idea from Mogibo! Make your own little “Ivan Turčin” figure out of a business card!

Best Business Cards 9

Vertex.com have created a business card with a really sweet “3D” effect on them (yes! it’s not actually a box!)

Best Business Card

Excellent folded business card from visual communication experts BroHouse. As mentioned in a previous article,you can make your own “cost effective” folded business cards with bookmarks.

Best Business Cards 12

Fantastic design by Arran Peterson. I’ve always loved the black gloss on black matt effect.

great business card

I wonder if Jessica Acosta read my article about creating fancy bookmarks? I’m a big fan of bookmark business cards. By creating a business card out of a bookmark, you are making a print product that no one wants to get rid of! (why would they! They can use them as a bookmark!) These are twice as effective, because they look terrific – I also love Jessica’s doll designs at www.dollproject.com


Okay…this is far less of a “traditional” business card (unlike the rest of the business cards in this list.) But I couldn’t write a blog about my favorite business cards without mentioning our friends over at meatcards.com! No, your eyes don’t deceive you! That is actually a business card that is also a piece of jerky meat? Crazy, huh!? You can actually print your details on a piece of meat! We love Meat cards so much, that we created our own “vegetarian business card” option for those people that don’t like their cards so…well….meaty!!?

Create an iPhone Business Card at OvernightPrints.com

We just about made the list with our own idea for a unique business card! We think that these iPhone business cards are super-cool and fun. And the best thing is that you can use this Overnight Prints online template to add your own details and create your own personalized iPhone business card – available in original iPhone business card and iPhone 4 business card versions:



Gorgeous designs and brilliant business card ideas. If you think you have a better design, add your design to our Flickr group and join our growing community post of talented designers.

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  1. Avatar

    Thanks for the creative moment. I’ve been needing to do some cards for a project and this got me motivated and moving! Thanks for the tip about UV-Spot, I used it in my design.

  2. Avatar

    Thanks for the post. Looking forward to the next one…www.pelayodesigns.com

  3. Avatar

    Hi, Weliver has only one “L”. thanks!

  4. Avatar

    Came over from Swap-bot to read your post. I loved all the cool business cards. I think the bookmark cards are my favorite, especially the dolls with yarn “hair” tassels. Thanks for sharing your finds.

  5. Avatar

    Awesome article, I’ve seen many of these and this is the most unique and best I’ve seen!


  6. Avatar

    Thank you for the post, totally love the designs. Inspiring as well as hilarious. Totally want the meat cards. http://www.facebook.com/elise.reynolds.design

  7. Avatar

    This gave me some great ideas on some business cards that I want to create for my business… THANKS for the post!

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  10. Best business cards « Design and Print Blog | Overnight Prints | Business card details

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  11. Avatar
    Plastic id cards online

    Awesome collection and good inspiration! Thanks

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