“I look back to 1998 and remember a cartoon first shown online. Two dogs, sitting at desktop computers. They are facing each other typing. One dog says to the other dog, ‘No one knows we’re dogs.’ That’s the internet,” said Kathy.
Kathy LaFollett- Founder of FlockCall.com and author, dedicates her time and effort to bringing a global conversation to companion parrot advocacy so “Every parrot, everywhere, can have a happy home.”
Kathy as Editor-in-chief, takes full responsibility and pride in every word she presents through her own writing, and via her global collection of Advocate Authors. Her goal is to put an end to parrot care and rescue misinformation that circulates throughout internet. Her love for companion parrots aims to rewrite the miscommunication one book, one blog, one post, and one person at a time.
Kathy believes,”the unconditional and cognitive love parrots bring is unlike any other animal on the planet. They choose to love or not to love you. Just like us, they are thinkers.”
With 8 companion parrots in her home, this truth proves out personally to Kathy. “They are the only companion animal that cognitively chooses to say no, and every relationship is unique and special,” said LaFollett.
It all began when Kathy found “Animal,” a Catalina Macaw, at a local pet shop. Marked with an expensive price tag, he was on high display which allowed anyone to walk up and touch him. Animal was displayed as a commodity with little regard to his cognitive stress or emotions. This first encounter will always have a special mark on LaFollett’s heart. This experience sparked an advocacy journey that continues today. Kathy knew she had to change the assumed truth that parrots are just a commodity for the pet industry. But rather an individual spirit capable of providing a deep companionship.
Oh, how she changed this and continues to pressingly make changes for parrots. She has joined with global Advocate Authors from Greece, Canada, Mexico, Estonia, and Australia. Every day partners come forward with stories, experiences, and local concerns. These introductions spark advocacy projects currently underway in Australia, New Zealand, Mexico, Ireland, Canada, Greece, Estonia and Spain.
An Advocate Author for FlockCall, David lives on the island of Syros, Greece. He takes care of healthy, sick, and unwanted parrots. His standard home has grown into a residential rescue situation and his long term goal is to purchase a large, centralized property. What David has done so far is very humbling for Kathy, but inspiring to others. Which is another purpose for her advocacy work inside FlockCall.com; inspiring empowerment.
Kathy has created beautiful 48-page booklets with us and we loved showcasing them on our various social media sites. However, for Kathy it’s more than publicity, it’s about setting the foundation in a personal and tangible manner.
“I wanted us to go back to another time, and remember what it felt like to hold something in your hand. To personally hand someone a book and say, “You should read this! You can’t share an e-book.”
Her book contains information about how to have a happy life with your parrot. It also focuses on empathy and putting it into what we are supposed to be doing not only for our companion parrots but for each other.
“My eight birds have taught me to become calm, have a sense of humor, laugh, and to see other perspectives. Stop, and think about what others are feeling. Empathy,” said Kathy.
If you’re interested in finding a parrot companion and hope to share your life with a parrot, get started by reading Kathy’s blog. She suggest visiting a parrot rescue and volunteering there to gain first hand knowledge of what parrot’s are really all about.
“Choosing a parrot is not like choosing a car. It’s like finding a child to adopt. This is a lifestyle change. ” If your interest is still strong, buy my book. It really is all you need to get on with creating a Successful Companion Parrot Lifestyle,” Kathy stated.
Visit FlockCall.com to learn more about companion parrots and start seeing life with companion parrots in a whole new way.