Make Your Home & Office A Pleasant Place To Be

We spend the majority of our time either at home or bustling away at work. It’s easy to get trapped in the laborious agendas life brings. From meetings to appointments, we are always on the go. Sometimes we forget our own happiness and slowly slip into content oblivion. You might be wondering, “how do I change this?” It doesn’t require a life evaluation or a complete transformation. Happiness stems from what we surround ourselves by. Many aspects of life are completely out of our control, but achieving happiness is not one of them. Attack contentment by finding bliss where you spend the most time.

Home is where the heart is. Chances are you have heard this timeless saying. The saying holds validity and it rightfully should. If home is where the heart is, why not pour your heart into it? Home should be an outlet dedicated to expressing yourself and indulging in what makes you feel alive. Did you know looking at family and friend photos can solely create excitement and happiness? Creating a room full of photo postcards and destination postcards looks authentic and brings the heart to the home.  happiness-2016

Having goals, motivation, and determination provides joy believe it or not. People find themselves unhappy when they get into “the same old routine.” It’s as if you can see the world moving by, while you remain stagnant. When you fall into a never-changing regimen, life is just plain boring. No human was meant for nothing, we are born to push our limits and truly live. It’s important to always remember this and keep yourself on the edge of your seat. Life is a ride that you just don’t want to miss. A simple change as placing a motivating quote on your desk at work, can uplift you. It also can remind you to live life to the fullest and give you the extra push you need. Printing postcards is easy and quick at Overnight Prints. Make your own creative postcard, frame it, and turn your workplace into an energizing environment that motivates you.


What else can make your home or office a great place to be? Organization. I expanded on this in my previous blog, and it’s absolutely true. It not only makes you feel great, but it makes your home and workplace somewhere you want to be. A notepad can work wonders for both your home and office. Yes, something as minuscule as a notepad can clear your mind and make your home and office an efficient place to be. A notepad let’s you jot down lists, tasks, and thoughts that you want to remember. In addition, it keeps all of those ideas, tasks and more in one space. It allows you to focus, feel good, and get the most out of where you spend the most time.


As you may have noticed, all of my suggestions are minimal and are not overbearing or time-consuming. They carry simplicity, and this leads to what you are searching for. Complete happiness. It’s not about having more and searching for “things,” that we are sure will bring us closer to happiness. That can become exhausting, which leads to unhappiness, and eventually depression.

Joy is within and surrounding all of us, waiting for us to grasp it. Start today! Remember happiness is simple, easy, and always clear. Open up your eyes, mind, and thoughts to happiness and witness the evolution of your prosperity.

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