What Makes Print Unique in the Marketing Mix?

Print continues to be one of the stronger, if not the strongest, forms of advertising when it comes to triggering actions by consumers. An international communications research survey found that 73 percent of consumers prefer conventional mail over other advertising methods. A separate study conducted by the U.S. Postal Service found that households respond to 5.1 percent of direct mail compared to less than 1 percent for email, paid search, online display ads, and social media ads each. The data shows that print is not dead and actually triggers responses in consumers.

According to the Direct Marketing Association, 65 percent of consumers have made a purchase as a result of receiving direct mail. Many businesses are now learning that they can strengthen their marketing strategy by combining traditional marketing methods with digital efforts.

One way that businesses are combining the two is by including social media channels on business cards. When social handles are added to business cards, prospects are likely to visit and become a fan or follower of the company page on Facebook and other popular platforms. Companies can now market to these digital visitors at a lower cost, and prospects will see organic posts, which can lead to purchases.

Business card with social media handles

As technology has grown and developed, so too has the print industry. Business cards formerly contained websites URLs, but now information can be embedded within QR codes. QR codes allow businesses to directly connect customers to the website and social media handles. Even QR codes have seen improvements with customization options that include colors and patterns for integrating brand into the design.

QR code on business card
QR codes are not just limited to sending prospects to your website; they can also be used to share videos, files and pictures.

What tools make the print experience possible?

Over the last few years, the print industry has incurred a lot of changes that which have allowed operations to run smoother than ever. Some of the major tools and changes implemented include giving customers the ability to view full 360-degree digital soft proofs, a fully equipped online designer and a team of file review specialists before files go to print.

Advanced designer tool DaVinci Designer, available at, allows anyone to become a designer in minutes regardless of their design experience and without the need for expensive photo editing software, such as Photoshop. The tool is simple to use and packed with features that anyone can understand.

DaVinci Designer example
DaVinci also allows users to easily add special effects and finishes to their designs, such as texture and spot UV.

Aside from being an award-winning design tool, DaVinci also renders full 3D soft proofs. Its viewer lets users completely rotate artwork in a full 360-degree space and can even display the difference in lighting. This proof allows users to make sure that spot UV and texture layers will print as desired. Design edits can be adjusted directly in the designer tool without needing to change print files.

Traditionally print providers had to print hard proofs to send out to clients. Hard proofs increased the overall production time and cost of printing. Now proofs can be easily viewed online.

Whether designing prints within the designer or uploading files, users can take advantage of DaVinci’s 3D viewer. After files have been uploaded, a soft proof will be available for review.

Online printing services like offer file reviews before print. A team of dedicated file specialists check design files before they are sent off to our printers to help eliminate any potential errors, saving customers considerable time and money in misprints.

Integrated design file review

In conclusion, the print industry is the best it’s ever been with new technology improving processes throughout the printing process from design to production. Regardless of the uproar that many think the digital age has had on the print industry, the changes have allowed for new technology to emerge and strengthen the industry.

Article contributed by Anthony Cafone, social media specialist at

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