Customizing your company logo for holidays, days of remembrance and special occasions, allows your company the chance to connect with customers through mutual shared interests. Adding a catchy, seasonal or holiday logo can increase brand recognition and is a great tool for advertising special promotions.
Tailoring your logo doesn’t mean overhauling your brand. Simply adding some festive flair and special touches can make your logo stand out and attract attention to your special offers and discounts.
All that’s needed is the alteration your brand logo by slightly making changes, noticeably enough to cause an impact but not too much that customers won’t be able to recognize your brand.

Your company logo is a powerful way to advertise products, services and to promote the overall company brand. Using a specially edited logo for holidays and special occasions can give your business an even stronger presence. A well designed seasonal/holiday logo will maintain brand recognition, and the added touches should reflect your business’s connection to the season. Let your customers know that you’re celebrating with them.
Holiday Logos Present Expanded Promotional Opportunities
It seems as if there’s at least one to two holidays every week that is celebrated by people. Seasonal holidays and special occasions like Black Friday, Cinco De Mayo, May the Fourth, Earth Day, Valentine’s Day and St. Patrick’s Day are holidays many people observe each year or celebrate even though they aren’t necessarily Federally observed holidays like Christmas or July the 4th. Taking advantage of these special days can bring increased attention to your brand and help funnel potential customers by using advertising that is specially targeted to customers’ emotions.
Your seasonal logo is a smart way to promote and advertise while celebrating the holidays they’re tied to. A seasonal logo also shows that you and your business share similar values as your clients and customers. Couple your unique seasonal logo with seasonal offers, discounts and deals and you can easily attract much higher attention and increase targeted traffic to your website.
However, not every special occasion or holiday is ideal for promotion by creating a custom logo. You should identify when and which holiday logos are best tailored for your company. Often, the nature and business scope of your company won’t allow you to use seasonal logos. Be sure to use common sense and use analytics to identify which holidays should be utilized for updating your logo and which holidays should be avoided.
Tips to help design your seasonal logo
Once you have identified holidays to target use the following tips for re-designing your logo.
- Be subtle and avoid clichés
Working a heart into the redesign of your logo for Valentine’s Day sounds like a good idea and implementing it would be relatively straight forward but you should be sure to keep the design clean. On contrast, if you were going to redesign your logo for Christmas, it’s probably best to avoid design elements that are used excessively, for instance, like adding a Santa hat to a letter in your mark. Going in that direction could come out making your logo look derivative and cliché. Instead, simply turn one of the letters in your mark into a snowflake or ornament.
When designing a holiday themed logo, avoid clichés and keep things subtle. - Make sure your updated design scales well
A simple rule that should always be observed, regardless of intent is that your logo should always follow design standards. Your logo should look good painted on the side of your office building and it should equally look good as a 32 pixel by 32 pixel GIF or PNG on your website’s navigation menu. Ensuring your newly revised logo scales well and looks awesome in monotone colors mean that you are following industry design standards.
- Don’t stray too far from the overall style of your brand
Critical to effective logo design is brand recognition. Logos lose their effectiveness the further they stray from brand aesthetic. Using holidays and special occasions as a reason to update your logo doesn’t mean it’s an opportunity to create a new look. You should be including design elements that reinforce your current brand’s look and message, while subtly building in the necessary holiday theme elements. DO include elements that instantly convey recognition and meaning about the holiday/special occasion. DON’T use colors that clash with your existing logo or are outside of the approved Marketing palette.
- Keep it simple
Designs with too much detail or too many elements often do not resize well. You should consider where you want your logo to be seen. You want a design that works for all your needs. Typically, the most memorable logos are often relatively sparse, utilize a very limited palette of colors yet are still unique. The same is true for redesigning your mark for special occasions and holidays. It’s ok to take aesthetic cues from the holiday but care must be taken to ensure your logo scales easily and looks good monotone.
The logo on the left is overly complicated and confusing. The logo on the right is effective, simple and uses simple seasonal imagery. - Don’t confuse your customers
Hopefully, you have reviewed your newly updated logo with other members of your marketing team and have utilized that valuable feedback. The last thing you want to do is to waste hours of your marketing department’s time and money on aesthetics that miss the mark. You also want to use this opportunity to make sure the newly created design elements of your logo and the overall design aesthetic of your holiday design is clear to the consumer. You’re going to be giving your customers something they haven’t seen before and the potential for confusion can lead to missed sales and possibly even bad press.
Keep your updated logo simple. Review it with many others to ensure intended aesthetics are clear.
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