Holidays & Occasions
Get “printspiration” for every celebration and special event of the year from online printing company Overnight Prints.
Great Tips for Overcoming Your Procrastination
This National Day is the Perfect Day for Beating Procrastinating! The 6th of September is seen around the world as international “Fight Procrastination Day”. Chronic procrastination is usually a symptom...
Back 2 School – From the 1950s to Today
School Fashion, Learning & Technology Trends of the Last 70 Years Children throughout the nation are once again faced with the end of a joyous summer vacation as the fall...
History of ‘Christmas in July’
While not officially recognized as a holiday, ‘Christmas in July’ is still an occasion people and retailers across the globe see as a way to observe the Christmas holiday season,...
Comic-Con Festivals from Around the World
Comic-Con got its innocent beginnings way back in 1970 when a few close-knit fans of pulp science fiction, comic books and movies banded together. Originally just a one-day event, the...
Hit Summer Flicks Blasting Their Way Into Theaters
We take a look at summer movies and their posters. Another year and another season full of larger than life blockbuster movies filling every movie theater across the country. With...
Getting Physical: Digital Brands Are Moving to the Physical World by Opening Stores
Online retailers reverse a trend and move to brick-and-mortar The idea that brick-and-mortar only retailers are a dying industry should not come as a surprise. Reports of dwindling sales over...
World Water Day: Waterless Printing Saves Our Planet
Not a day goes by that we don’t need water – we use it to stay hydrated, grow fresh fruits and vegetables to eat, keep things clean, and so much...
6 Awesome DIY Ideas for Custom Easter Baskets
On a budget? Overly creative? Or do you just like giving personalized gifts? Then do-it-yourself Easter Baskets may just be the perfect compliment for you and the family to this...