Learn best practices for creating custom printed products, green printing and more from online printing company Overnight Prints.

Great ideas for Custom Bookmarks & Bookmark Promotions

Say the word “bookmark” and most people will immediately think of somber libraries with stern-faced librarians, or bits of tasseled old leather in-between the pages of dusty bibles! However, a...

Create a Simple Holiday Postcard in Photoshop- using the Clipping Mask, Warp Tool, and other Text Effects!

Create a “retro” postcard in Photoshop using the clipping mask and the text warp tool. A fantastic design idea for any designer who is creating a “red-hot” design for the...

5 Best Custom Business Card ideas from Small Business Customers!

In the small business world, there is a growing business card trend for making them more “hand crafted” (e.g, hand-stamped business cards) and for taking them to another level by...

Best Business Cards from Around the Web

Working for a company whose foundations lay in quality business card production, I get to see a lot of business cards. I take a great interest in business card design...


High-cost marketing techniques are not always the best options for small businesses that are struggling to keep afloat in this economy. There are many very effective ways to market your...

Do Your Business Cards & Marketing Materials Need Revamping?

When was the last time you stepped back and really took a peek at your business cards, rack brochures, pamphlets and flyers? When was the last time you really wondered...

How to Choose a Green Printer

Whether you’re a designer or a corporate end-user, you wield a great deal of influence over how the industry should respond to today’s environmental agenda. There are many recycling, energy,...

Not Convinced? Free Samples To Change Your Mind!

How many of you out there have wandered onto a car lot, grabbed your checkbook and bought a car without ever taking the car for a test drive? Yeah, probably...

Is the Cell Phone Killing the Business Card

Is cell phone and Internet technology killing the business card? Over the last two decades, print promotion has certainly taken a slight downward turn as businesses embrace web-based promotion and...

Tis The Season: Recycle Those Christmas Cards!

It’s officially the time of year where our mailboxes become over-stuffed with greeting cards of just about every shape, size and style you can possibly imagine. You’re going to be...