Short History of the Popular Christmas Greeting Card

Can you believe general greeting cards go all the way back to papyrus scrolls in Egypt? In ancient China, the New Year was celebrated with messages of goodwill. What makes...

Smart Ways Print Adds to Your Holiday Marketing

Did Santa speed up the clock to Dec. 25? The holiday season seems to arrive earlier and earlier each year. This means that having a clear holiday marketing game plan...

A Guide to Becoming a Successful Entrepreneur

Creating a successful, lasting business as an entrepreneur takes hard work, persistence and self-accountability. No one’s going to hold your hand and walk you to success. If you want success,...

Top 5 Advice for Entrepreneurs on Small Business Saturday

Who really thinks it’s a good idea to camp outside a store overnight only to get trampled over for a Black Friday deal on a flat screen TV? There exists...

5 Tips to Prepare Your Comic Con Booth

For artists looking to increase sales, comic book conventions are a godsend. The granddaddy of all geek gatherings, Comic Con, has a specialized area called Artists’ Alley that’s devoted to...

Inside Look: Cartoon Fan Art that Sells at Comic Con

Where else can you dress in cosplay and buy original fan art of all your favorite comic book superheroes and villains than at Comic Con? Meet an SC Comic Con...

2nd Annual #SpookMeONP Halloween Design Contest

During the month of October, artists and illustrators participated in the second annual #SpookMeONP Design Contest. Contestants tagged Halloween-inspired designs and other artwork on Instagram and Twitter to enter for...

What Makes Print Unique in the Marketing Mix?

Print continues to be one of the stronger, if not the strongest, forms of advertising when it comes to triggering actions by consumers. An international communications research survey found that...

4 Reasons to Use Direct Mail Marketing

Marketing today has many different channels ranging from traditional mail to multiple online platforms. Even with the growing number of social media and other digital methods for reaching one’s target...